Google Cloud Platform

Create Your first Chat App with PaLM 2

In the ever-evolving landscape of AI, Google’s PaLM 2 has emerged as a revolutionary force, unlocking new potentials in natural language processing. Imagine harnessing this cutting-edge technology to create something as interactive and engaging as a chat application. In this blog entry, I’m thrilled to show you exactly how straightforward it can be to develop your very first Python application—a “chat application” that interacts with the remarkable chat-bison model from the PaLM 2 family.

Fair warning: a very basic understanding of Python is required, but you definitely do not need to be a pro!

We’ll dive into the world of Generative AI Studio, a remarkable tool (set of tools really) that provides us with a baseline of code. From there, I’ll guide you through tweaking and customizing this foundation to fit your unique vision for the app. This isn’t just about coding; it’s about creativity and bringing your ideas to life.

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Deploying a Python Serverless App with Google Cloud Functions: ASCII Art Example


Serverless computing is revolutionizing the way we build and deploy applications. With serverless architecture, you don’t need to manage servers or infrastructure, allowing you to focus on writing code and delivering features. Google Cloud Functions is a popular serverless platform that allows developers to deploy functions that automatically scale with usage. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the process of deploying a Python serverless app, an ASCII art generator, using Google Cloud Functions.


Video Tutorial

If you prefer to follow video tutorial, check out my YouTube channel tutorial:

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How to Set Up Falco on Kubernetes: A Guide to Improving Your Container Security

As containerized applications continue to rise in popularity, ensuring their security becomes more and more crucial. With Kubernetes, you have a powerful tool for managing containers, but it doesn’t necessarily provide all the security features you need out of the box. That’s where Falco comes in.

Falco is an open-source container security tool that monitors your Kubernetes cluster in real-time and alerts you of any suspicious activity. In this guide, we’ll walk you through setting up Falco on your Kubernetes cluster and discuss its main benefits.

Install Falco on Your Kubernetes Cluster

There are few methods you can install Falco, details can be found in the official documentation: installation or directly on K8s: deployment. The easiest way to install Falco on your Kubernetes cluster is using Helm. Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that makes it easy to install and manage applications.

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