Month: December 2015

Brocade – Shared Area Addressing

With this short entry I would like to continue a little bit with concept explained in Fibre Channel Addressing post. Remember the 24bit FC Address? Let me put the same small image one more time:

24-bit Port Addressing scheme

24-bit Port Addressing scheme

As you can notice, the Area ID has 8 Bits. Within 8 Bits we can write down two (hex) numbers, which gives us possibilities to represents values 0 – 255 ( hex: 0x00 – 0xff). But what if our Switch (for example Brocade Director) has more than 255 ports? Now, here Shared Area Addressing is becoming handy.

In a few words, a shared area is an Area ID that exist more than once in a single domain. Keep in mind, each port has to have a unique FC Address, those shared areas are differentiated by their Node Address. In oder words, the Area ID is “borrowing” 1 bit from the Node ID and changing it to 1 ( binary 10000000 = hex 80). This 1 bit is used to address ports 256-383.  If that is changed, it is calculated as Area ID  + Node Address  8  (all in hex) Let me give you few examples:

  • Port Address 01a800 – Area ID = 0xa8 (hex) = Port Index 168
  • Port Address 01a900 – Area ID = 0xa9 (hex) =  Port Index 169
  • Port Address 01ff00 – Area ID = 0xff (hex) = Port Index 255  (last possible Port Index without Shared Area)
  • Port Address 018880 = 0x88 + 0x80 – 0x8 (hex) = 136 + 128 – 8 (dec) = Port Index 256
  • Port Address 018980 = 0x89 + 0x80 – 0x8 (hex) = 137 + 128 – 8 (dec) = Port Index 257
  • Port Address 01a880 = 0xa8 + 0x80 – 0x8 (hex) = 168 + 128 – 8 (dec) = Port Index 288

Now this “equation” is not always right, in some cases it is calculated based on equation Area ID + Node Address + 8 (all in hex)

To be completely honest with you, I cannot understand when we should add 8, and when we should subtract 8. If you understand this, I will really appreciate an explanation for example in “comments” section 🙂


Brocade – to which port my WWN is connected?

In this entry I would like to go through some practical question you may come access with. You know the WWN, and you wish to find it physically on SAN/switch level. First information you need is the exact location (switch, which Slot/Port). If you have just one switch Fabric, you can go with switchshow command and just go through the output. But what if your fabric has many switches? You can go with the command nodefind <alias_name> or nodefind <wwn> (or nodefind 0x<PID>). Example:

switch01> nodefind 50:06:04:8a:d5:4f:23:10
    Type Pid    COS     PortName                NodeName
    N    40a500;      3;50:06:04:8a:d5:4f:23:10;50:06:04:8a:d5:4f:23:10;
        FC4s: FCP
        PortSymb: [38] "EMC SYMMETRIX 000000000001   "
        NodeSymb: [38] "EMC SYMMETRIX 000000000001   "
        Fabric Port Name: 20:02:00:05:1e:32:12:01
        Permanent Port Name: 50:06:04:8a:d5:4f:23:10
        Device type: Physical Initiator+Target
        Port Index: 165
        Share Area: No
        Device Shared in Other AD: No
        Redirect: No
        Partial: No
    Aliases: Symm0001_alias1

Let’s analyze the output.

  • Remote means that this WWN is connected to another switch in the Fabric.
  • 40a500 – is a 24bit (Core PID format) FC Address. I mentioned FC Addressing in Fibre Channel addressing entry if you wish to refresh the knowledge. But in few words – First 8 bits are Domain ID, another 8 bits are Area ID, and last 8 bits are Node ID – 00 or AP_PA, so:
    • 40 – this is the Domain ID
    • a5 – this is the Area ID – a5 hex = 165 dec. As you can see this is exactly – our Port Index.
    • 00 – this is the Node ID –  00, because to this port only one Node is connected directly / No NPIV. If this switch required shared area addressing (basically more than 255), the first 8 bit of Node ID would be “borrowed” as Area ID as well.
  • Port Index: 165 – is already given (as hex) in Core PID Address.

So – we have a lot. We know the FC Address of our port, we know to which Domain it belongs and exactly to which port. Now we have a final step – to identify which switch is it. For that just go with the command fabricshow:

switch01> fabricshow

Switch ID   Worldwide Name           Enet IP Addr    FC IP Addr      Name
 23: fffc17 10:00:00:05:1e:13:1c:22        >"switch01"
 24: fffc18 10:00:00:05:1e:13:6e:f2        "switch04"
 62: fffc3e 10:00:00:05:1e:13:0a:13         "switch02"
 64: fffc40 10:00:00:05:1e:55:63:3d        "switch05"
101: fffc65 10:00:00:05:1e:55:33:11         "switch06"
105: fffc69 10:00:00:05:1e:32:64:01         "switch07"

Above we see the output of our Fabric. What interests us is the ID of the Switch. FFFCxx is the Address of the Domain Controller – xx represents the Domain ID. This is considered as the name/ID of the switch. And there it is – our Switch with Domain_ID=40 is switch05.

Now we can actually execute the same nodefind command on switch05:

switch05> nodefind 50:06:04:8a:d5:4f:23:10
    Type Pid    COS     PortName                NodeName
    N    40a500;      3;50:06:04:8a:d5:4f:23:10;50:06:04:8a:d5:4f:23:10;
        FC4s: FCP
        PortSymb: [38] "EMC SYMMETRIX 000000000001   "
        NodeSymb: [38] "EMC SYMMETRIX 000000000001   "
        Fabric Port Name: 20:02:00:05:1e:32:12:01
        Permanent Port Name: 50:06:04:8a:d5:4f:23:10
        Device type: Physical Initiator+Target
        Port Index: 165
        Share Area: No
        Device Shared in Other AD: No
        Redirect: No
        Partial: No
    Aliases: Symm0001_alias1

Of course as a consequence in Fabric every switch has always unique Domain_ID, therefore unique Domain Controller Address, therefore unique ID. It is called Embedded Port and it is necessary to route information between switches within one Fabric.

Brocade – is my zone in active configuration?

Recently I have found myself with a small issue.
Using Brocade Web Tool – Zone Administration is quite easy to figure out which zones are in active configuration, and which are not. But how to quickly find it using only CLI via FabricOS?
Well there are couple of ways to do so. If you have specific zone you wish to check you can go with the command zone –validate {zone_name}, example output:

switch> zone --validate Z_linux002_storage001_FA8fB
Defined configuration:
 zone:  Z_linux002_storage001_FA8fB
                A_storage001_FA8fb; a_linux002_hba_a

Effective configuration:
 zone:  Z_linux002_storage001_FA8fB

As you can see this zone is listed in both Defined and Effective configuration.
OK, that was easy – but what if you wish to go through all your zones and validate which ones are active and which ones are not. Of course you can go with commands like zoneshow, or cfgshow
But what if you have quite big fabric, with more than 100+ aliases/zones etc? Interpreting the output might be quite time-consuming.
The quick trick I’m using is:

$ ssh -l admin switch cfgshow | grep "zone" | sort | uniq -c
admin@switch's password:
      1  zone:  zone_storage3257_FA7bA_RTPUS
      2  zone:  zone_storage3791_10aA_fdsa
      2  zone:  zone_storage3791_10agfda
      2  zone:  zone_storage3791_efs
      2  zone:  zone_storage3791_vfda
      2  zone:  zone_storage3791_grw
      2  zone:  zone_storage3791_fdsbaa
      2  zone:  zone_storage3791_vfaf

The whole “trick” is based on the way in which cfgshow output is built. It first lists all configurations, later on it lists all zones and aliases. At the end it list Effective/Active Configuration with all activated zones, as a consequence if the same zone: <zone_name> is listed twice, it means it is both in defined and active configuration. If it listed once, it means that either it is not activated, or possibly, activated, but in the meantime deleted from the configuration without executing cfgenable. In above example you can noticed that zone zone_storage3257_FA7bA_RTPUS is only mentioned once, now that is a good candidate for zone –validate command.