
Category NetApp

11 thoughts on “Categories

  1. Thank you for a ton of information.I am looking for some zoning information.Can you help me?Fundamentals of zoning and config of brocade switches.

  2. Hello,

    Can you share tutorial for Hitachi VSP Series?
    Product Series
    Hardware Architecture
    Storage Configuration
    Disk administration
    Commands or GUI Steps to configure and manage system

    Will really appreciate if you share in a post or document for above.

  3. if i am a beginner to NetApps Storage where do i start? which video do i want first and the order of them after that…???

    1. Hi Ron,

      If you want to learn from videos, perhaps start with On my list the next topics to cover are indeed the basic NetApp (cDOT/ONTAP9) administration, plus I’m thinking of creating some more ‘explain how things work’ type of video about that subject as well. You can subscribe to the channel, to be sure you’ll be up-to-date with my uploads 🙂 There are also other, very informative vidoes on Youtube, worth watching from other creators.
      Good luck and let me know if you have any questions.

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