Lately I came accross with an issue updating disk firmware on NetApp filer. With the new releases of Data ONTAP updating disk FW is piece of cake, right?
- Check the current Disk Qualification Package right here – notice what is the date
- Check the installed Disk Qualification Package on your NetApp
rdfile /etc/qual_devices_v3
you are looking for a line
# Datecode: YYYYMMDD - one is at the beginning, one is at the end
- If you have an out-dated version follow the given instruction to install the current one
- Check the current Disk Firmware installed, and types of disk. For that I use the trick, sending request from Linux host:
ssh -l root netapp01 storage show disk -x | awk -F" " '{print $6,$7}' | sort | uniq -c
Exmple output:
1 ---- 1 MODEL REV 8 X287_HVIPC288A15 NA01 4 X287_HVIPC288A15 NA02
Now all you have to do is to go compare your version with the current one. Check all the per-requsits, download the new one and go with the given instruction of installation.
Disk Firmware update issue
Once you have copied the newest version to /etc/disk_fw/ drive, and options raid.background_disk_fw_update.enable is set to on automatic, background and non-disruptive update will start.
In /etc/messages you should see message like:
Wed Dec 28 15:06:59 EST [raid.disk.offline:notice]: Marking Disk /my_aggr/plex0/rg0/0c.00.3 Shelf 0 Bay 3 [NETAPP X287_HVIPC288A15 NA01] S/N [XXX] offline. Wed Dec 28 15:06:59 EST [bdfu.selected:info]: Disk 0c.00.3 [NETAPP X287_HVIPC288A15 NA01] S/N [XXX] selected for background disk firmware update. Wed Dec 28 15:06:59 EST [dfu.firmwareDownloading:info]: Now downloading firmware file /etc/disk_fw/X287_HVIPC288A15.NA02.LOD on 1 disk(s) of plex [Pool0]... Wed Dec 28 15:07:18 EST []: Onlining Disk /my_aggr/plex0/rg0/0c.00.3 Shelf 0 Bay 3 [NETAPP X287_HVIPC288A15 NA02] S/N [XXX].
Which basically states the correct installation. But what if you have a case like:
Wed Dec 28 15:06:59 EST [raid.disk.offline:notice]: Marking Disk /my_aggr/plex0/rg0/0c.00.3 Shelf 0 Bay 3 [NETAPP X287_HVIPC288A15 NA01] S/N [XXX] offline. Wed Dec 28 15:06:59 EST [bdfu.selected:info]: Disk 0c.00.3 [NETAPP X287_HVIPC288A15 NA01] S/N [XXX] selected for background disk firmware update. Wed Dec 28 15:06:59 EST []: Onlining Disk /my_aggr/plex0/rg0/0c.00.3 Shelf 0 Bay 3 [NETAPP X287_HVIPC288A15 NA01] S/N [XXX].
Pay attention. All operation took ~1 second, and at the end the disk is still within the same firmware. In my case the solution was:
- I deleted from /etc/disk_fw/ older version of the same disk type (for example X287_HVIPC288A15.NA01.LOD), leaving only the newest version (for example X287_HVIPC288A15.NA02.LOD)
- I disabled option raid.background_disk_fw_update.enable
- Waited couple of minutes
- I re-enabled option raid.background_disk_fw_update.enable
And as simple as that – it helped. Other trick would be to manually force the update with disk_fw_update command, but check out this manual entry: As you can see this option might have a consequence for your customer using the array.
If you came across with such situation I strongly recommend opening a case to NetApp before you try any changes.
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Hi Mate,
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Much Appreciated.